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Continual monitoring of hormone levels is necessary for men seeking to maintain optimal blood levels. This Comprehensive Hormone Panel is designed for men looking to monitor progression of hormone supplementation.

A 12-hour fast is required for this blood test. However, drink plenty of water and take your medications as prescribed. If you have questions regarding hormone supplementation before blood testing, please call us!

The Male Comprehensive Hormone Panel contains the following tests:

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • CBC with Differential
  • Free T3
  • Thyroxine-Free T4
  • TSH
  • Testosterone-Men
  • Lipid Panel
  • Estradiol -E2
  • IGF
  • DHEA-Sulfate
  • Vitamin D-25 Hydroxy Lab
  • CRP HS
  • Homocysteine
  • Dihydrotestosterone
  • Hemoglobin A1C
  • PSA Total


Continual assessment of hormone levels is necessary for women seeking to maintain a healthy hormonal balance. This panel is designed for women looking to monitor progression of hormone supplementation. A 12-hour fast is required for this blood test. However, drink plenty of water and take your medications as prescribed. If you have questions regarding hormone supplementation before blood testing, please call us!

Special Note:

Any type of contraceptives that contain hormones will invalidate hormone results.

The Female Comprehensive Hormone Panel contains the following tests:

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • CBC with Differential
  • Free T3
  • Thyroxine-Free T4
  • TSH
  • Testosterone-Women
  • Lipid Panel
  • Estradiol-E2
  • IGF
  • DHEA Sulfate
  • Vitamin D-25 Hydroxy Lab
  • CRP HS
  • Homocysteine
  • Hemoglobin A1C
  • Progesterone

The laboratory services we offer are at the forefront of our efforts to help you head off problems or deal with them more effectively.

Our Health & Wellness panels may include:

  • Metabolic and Chemistry Panels
  • Hormone Testing
  • Cardiovascular Risk Assessments
  • Cancer Markers
  • Vitamin, Mineral and Antioxidant Testing

These panels are designed to provide invaluable information for you and your doctor … to help diagnose disease, develop treatment strategies, and personalize wellness profiles.

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • Lipid Panel
  • Uric Acid
  • TSH
  • Magnesium
  • LD
  • Iron, Total
  • Hemoglobin A1C
  • PSA Total
  • Lipid Panel
  • Uric Acid
  • TSH
  • Magnesium
  • LD
  • Iron, Total
  • Hemoglobin A1C
  • PSA Total

An estimated 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and about 13 million of them are undiagnosed.1 Since symptoms can often be vague such as fatigue, depression, and weight gain many people are not tested for thyroid dysfunction. They simply view the way they’re feeling as typical for their “age”! Fortunately, we believes that you can and should feel good at every age!

Your thyroid gland sits in the lower portion of your neck and acts as the metabolic throttle for every cell in your body! When your thyroid doesn’t function efficiently, it can affect every cell in your body.

Since undiagnosed thyroid problems can increase your risk of obesity, depression, anxiety, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, and fatigue it’s very important that you don’t go undiagnosed.

The most comprehensive thyroid panel can contains the following tests:

  • Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Evaluates overall thyroid function.
  • Total Thyroxine (T4) Evaluates the total amount of T4 produced by the thyroid gland.
  • Free Thyroxine (T4) Evaluates the amount of T4 available to the cells and tissues.
  • Free Tri-iodothyronine (T3) Measures the amount of T3 (the active form of the hormone) available to the cells and tissues.
  • Reverse T3 A non-functioning form of the active hormone T3.
  • Thyroglobulin antibody (ATA) and Thyroid Peroxidase antibody (TPO) Thyroglobulin and Thyroid Peroxidase are proteins involved in the production of thyroid hormones. It is possible for antibodies from your own immune system to attack these proteins rendering them dysfunctional.

 Fasting is not required. Take all medications as prescribed.

Concerned about environmental exposure to mercury, arsenic, or aluminum? Consider taking our Heavy Metals Panel. Here’s why:

Atmospheric mercury is in the rain as well as the fish you find in lakes. It generally enters the body through inhalation and targets the brain and kidneys.Arsenic from water supplies around the world leaches into shellfish and other fish. When ingested, arsenic affects the blood, central nervous system, digestive system … and can be harmful to the skin and kidneys.Aluminum is a neurotoxin that alters the blood-brain barrier. And we’re commonly exposed to it in antiperspirants, cooking utensils, tin foil, even the water we drink.

Even moderate exposure over time to heavy metals like these can cause damage. It can also be life-threatening. The body is able to rid itself of small amounts of heavy metals … but moderate to large quantities accumulate in the kidneys, liver, bones and brain. There is real cause for concern.

Fasting is not required. Take all medications as prescribed. Avoid seafood 72 hours prior to collection.

  • Blood
  • Hair
  • Urine
  • Breast
  • Colon
  • Ovaries

Tests over 154 different food allergies.

Measures the length of your telomeres, revealing your true cellular age. Studies have shown a direct correlation between telomere length and cardiovascular health. Therapies directed at slowing the loss of telomere length may slow aging and age related disease.

  • FUNCTIONAL GENOMIC TESTING:  Genomic Testing has a variety of genetic panels designed to reveal frequently-occurring genetic tendencies towards common illnesses, which can be prevented with individually tailored nutritional and environmental intervention based on the test findings. This can potentially enhance health and extend life significantly, since genetic factors are crucial to longevity yet they are often ignored. Currently, a number of such panels are available:
  • DetoxiGenomics, which reveals weaknesses in metabolism of various environmental, nutritional, and artificial (drugs) toxins as well as internally produced toxins such as neurotransmitters & hormones;
  • CardioGenomics, which exposes genetic tendencies towards lipid abnormalities, hypertension, atherosclerosis, homocysteine elevation (a major factor in the development of heart disease, related to genetic inability to convert folic acid into its active form), and others;
  • ImmuneoGenomics, which shows tendencies towards inflammation, auto-immune disease, infections, and immune imbalance;
  • OsteoGenomics, which displays genetic factors increasing osteoporosis risk
  • EstroGenomics, which displays estrogen related risk factors
  • NeuroGenomics, which displays risks related to Neurological factors
  • APOE GENOTYPING: Reveals genetic markers critical for determining treatment strategies to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases of aging.

Reveals genetic markers critical for determining treatment strategies to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases of aging.

Advanced technology which accurately measures both the density and number of lipoprotein particles. Measuring the lipoprotein subgroups is the only way to evaluate new risk factors, which is crucial for an accurate assessment of cardiovascular risk – according to the National Cholesterol Education Program.

  • Knowing nutritional risk factors and treating their causes can contribute to the arrest or prevention of many degenerative conditions
  • Patients derive significant benefits
  • Measuring and correcting vitamin deficiencies are essential for patients concerned with wellness and anti-aging
  • Micronutrient testing provides important baseline tests to identify deficiencies
  • Measures how micronutrients and antioxidants are actually functioning within the white blood cells
  • Gives physicians the ability to tailor treatment plans to each patient’s specific requirements rather than to “norms”

Begin Your Journey to Wellness! – Call 307-733-2950

Our Clinic is the ideal place for women, men or children to secure an integrative, holistic and personalized approach to health care.  We partner with each patient to focus on the root cause of their illness, support their recovery, and help them maintain good health.

Contact us for a free consultation