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Treatment Approaches

In developing an integrative approach to pain therapy, the starting point is a broad view of health and well being.  Dr. Raju will individualize each treatment program to meet your specific  needs.

Integrative pain therapy draws from a broad spectrum of therapeutic approaches. It recognizes the value of multiple approaches to pain management (a multimodality approach) and acknowledges the individualized nature of good medical care. The goal is to employ the safest and most effective therapies to provide maximum benefit.

Foundations of Health

In developing an integrative approach to pain therapy, the starting point is a broad view of health and well being. The foundations of health include at least four elements:

  • hormone balance
  • regular exercise
  • proper diet and nutrition
  • stress management

Treatments offered:

  • Prolozone Therapy
  • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy
  • Botox Injections for Muscle Spasms and Pain
  • STEM CELL Therapy
  • Facet Joint Injections
  • Joint Injections (sacroiliac, hip, etc.)
  • Trigger Point Injections

The goals of an integrative pain therapy approach may include:

  • reducing or eliminating pain
  • using medicines (BOTH PRESCRIPTION AND NATURAL OCCURRING) that are appropriate, provide sustained benefits, have tolerable side effects, and support the functional goals of the patient
  • reducing distress and enhancing comfort, peace of mind and quality of life
  • improving the understanding of the role of emotions, behavior and attitudes in pain
  • improving the ability to function physically and perform activities of daily living
  • improving the ability to function in social and family roles
  • supporting the patient’s ability to return to work and function on the job
  • educating patients in ways to maintain rehabilitation gains and avoid re-injury
  • empowering patients to actively participate in pain control strategies
  • promoting awareness and understanding of the factors that contribute to physical and emotional distress related to pain
  • developing the skills and knowledge needed to increase the patient’s sense of control over pain

Foundations of Health

There are literally thousands of studies confirming the importance of each of these foundations. Careful attention to each can have profound effects on health and illness. The work of Dean Ornish (Ornish, 1999), for example, demonstrated that interventions targeted to these areas can not only halt, but actually reverse, coronary artery disease.

Begin Your Journey to Wellness! – Call 307-733-2950

Our Clinic is the ideal place for women, men or children to secure an integrative, holistic and personalized approach to health care.  We partner with each patient to focus on the root cause of their illness, support their recovery, and help them maintain good health.

Contact us for a free consultation