The vast majority of patients recover from this procedure in anywhere from 7 to 10 days depending upon the severity of the aging process and the procedure tailored to that individual patient. For the first two to three days, mild swelling and redness of the skin is present, similar to a sunburn. On the 4th, 5th and 6th days, the surface of the skin will shed itself leaving a light pink color beneath itself. On the 8th to 10th day, a dramatic improvement in the color and quality of the skin is present with minimal pinkness. An improvement in the overall facial contour is noted, and mostly patients can interact socially. For the following weeks, residual swelling continues to decrease and the face changes into its ongoing youthful new contour in both volume and shape, and skin texture and quality. There is an ongoing improvement in the quality and texture of the skin for years. The volume and the shape of the face stabilize at approximately three to four weeks.